"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals"

Get Involved

Easter Bunnies

Or adopt a pet from your local shelter…

The final fight….

The Bullfighter SAID….There is a single moment when you see it and you can never go back. If you go back, then you didn’t see it. MAKE THE CONNECTION. “And suddenly, I looked at the bull. He had this innocence that all animals have in their eyes, and he looked at me with this pleading. It was like a cry for justice, deep down inside of me. I describe it as being like a prayer – because if one confesses, it is hoped, that one is forgiven. I felt like the worst shit on earth.” This photo shows the collapse of Torrero Alvaro Munera, as he realized in the middle of the his last fight… the injustice to the animal.

From that day forward he became an opponent of bullfights.  

Read his story at – http://www.banbloodsports.com/ln-0707h.htm

Save Angels Gate…

Delaware County District Attorney: Stop persecuting Angel's Gate - Animal Hospice in New York State


Please take a moment to sign this petition to save Angel’s Gate — a sanctuary that Friends of Animals has visited. Angel’s Gate provides  care for diseased, deformed and/or hard-to-adopt and unwanted animals. This type of sanctuary not only extremely rare, but critical. We need more of them, not less. Priscilla Feral, our president, was impressed by her weekend visit to the sanctuary, and we hope you’ll sign this petition to help keep them alive and well.

Click the link to be redirected… thank you


Rhino Wars

The rifle shot boomed through the darkening forest just as Damien Mander arrived at his campfire after a long day training game ranger recruits in western Zimbabwe’s Nakavango game reserve. His thoughts flew to Basta, a pregnant black rhinoceros, and her two-year-old calf. That afternoon one of his rangers had discovered human footprints following the pair’s tracks as Basta sought cover in deep bush to deliver the newest member of her threatened species.

Damien, a hard-muscled former Australian Special Forces sniper with an imposing menagerie of tattoos, including “Seek & Destroy” in gothic lettering across his chest, swiveled his head, trying to place the direction of the shot. “There, near the eastern boundary,” he pointed into the blackness. “Sounded like a .223,” he said, identifying the position and caliber, a habit left over from 12 tours in Iraq. He and his rangers grabbed shotguns, radios, and medical kits and piled into two Land Cruisers. They roared into the night, hoping to cut off the shooter. The rangers rolled down their windows and listened for a second shot, which would likely signal Basta’s calf was taken as well.

Click the link to redirect to Nat Geo for the rest of this amazing story…..



Petition – Ban Fur Trapping

Ban Fur Trapping In Nevada To Prevent The Suffering Of Animals Left In Traps To Die








Valentine’s Day – not just for lovers

Share your love this Valentine’s Day…

Send a card, make a phone call or send a small gift to someone who will be alone on Valentine’s Day. Let them know how much they are thought of, loved  and appreciated.

You can make someone’s day a whole lot brighter… 🙂



Standing Up for Polar Bears….

CLICK TO VISIT THE PAGE -> Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2375

Dear Wildlife Supporter,
Yesterday, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed a fiscally irresponsible plan that targets the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — home to polar bears, caribou and other Arctic wildlife.
But your U.S. Representative stood firm and courageously voted against this environmentally destructive and highly speculative plan.
Take action now to thank your U.S. Representative for standing up for America’s Arctic wildlife and opposing efforts to drill in America’s Arctic to fund the Transportation Bill.
Yesterday’s committee vote shows that Big Oil and its allies in Congress will stop at nothing to open our natural treasures like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to dirty oil and gas drilling.
The plan is highly speculative and fiscally irresponsible, using revenue that may not even materialize in five years to fund very real transportation projects that we need today.
Yet it risks America’s threatened polar bears and other Arctic wildlife and some of our most pristine wilderness and waters while not even coming close to the billions of dollars needed for transportation projects.
Please thank your U.S. Representative today for standing up for our natural heritage — and opposing a fiscally irresponsible and highly speculative plan.
Thanks for all you do to protect our wildlife and wild places.

Marcia Lesky, Defenders of Wildlife Sincerely,
Marcia Lesky National Outreach Director Defenders of Wildlife

Start them young…..

Teach our children to love, be kind and care for animals…. they’ll become loving, caring adults…

Hayden Law – Petition

Stop Governor Brown from Killing Thousands of Shelter Animals

The Hayden Law protects the hundreds of thousands of dogs, cats and other animals that enter California animal shelters every year by requiring that they be kept alive and available for reclamation or adoption for at least 4-6 days before being killed, and by extending the hours of operation of shelters to allow working families interested in adopting to visit during evenings and weekends.

Governor Jerry Brown  is planning to repeal key provisions of the Hayden Law in order to save the state money.  This is wrong.  Thousands of innocent animals should not be killed to alleviate California’s budget woes.  There are better and more humane solutions to our state’s fiscal problems.



Stop Wolf Shootings

Tell Obama to Stop Aerial Wolf Killing in Idaho

Your tax dollars could be used to pay for an ill-conceived aerial wolf cull in Northeastern Idaho — an unscientific plan to boost game populations that could kill as many as two thirds of the wolves in the Lolo District of the Clearwater National Forest.
Defenders of Wildlife is calling on President Obama and his administration to deny Idaho’s request to have federal agents carry out aerial wolf killing in Idaho. Will you join us?
Fill out the form below to sign our petition urging President Obama to direct Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to deny Idaho’s request for federal resources to carry out the Lolo aerial wolf cull.


Waiting, supporting, loving…

*** Please support your Local Animal Shelter ***

Good News from Alley Cat Allies – Florida

Florida Senate Committee Unanimously Passes Florida Animal Rescue Act

by Alley Cat Allies on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 12:39pm
Alley Cat Allies

Thanks to the Florida State Senate Committee on Community Affairs for unanimously passing the Florida Animal Rescue Act (S.B. 818/H.B. 597), and State Sen. Mike Bennett (R) for sponsoring this groundbreaking legislation.


Under the Animal Rescue Act, animal pounds and shelters in Florida would be prohibited from killing an animal if an established rescue group is willing to take the animal. The bill would also require pounds and shelters to maintain a public intake and disposition “registry,” which would provide data for all animals taken into shelters and information about whether they are killed, adopted or returned to their owner. The bill includes protections that would only allow legitimate, registered rescue groups to claim animals.


Current animal shelter policies in most states cause the vast majority of cats entering shelters—more than 70 percent—to be killed there. Passing of the Animal Rescue Act is an important step forward.


Read the Press Release.

Florida Residents: Support the Florida Animal Rescue Act in the State House.

Learn more about cat fatalities in shelters.

Animal Legal Defense Fund’s page for Tony

Tortoise vs Bulldozers

Take Action: The Tortoise vs. the Bulldozer

Endangered desert tortoises and bighorn sheep are no match for a bulldozers and solar energy construction crews working in the wrong areas.
That’s why Defenders is fighting to make solar energy smart from the start and protect habitat for imperiled wildlife in the early planning of these important projects.
Urge the Bureau of Land Management to consider the survival of desert tortoises and other wildlife and the protection of natural resources in determining criteria for acceptable solar energy development areas.



** The deadline for public comments is January 27th, so please take action today **

Click the link to sign the petition…. every signature counts and is needed….   



Ban on Horsemeat Consumption


Wild horses  are being slaughtered & soon factory farms filled with pens of beautiful horses will be popping up all over the US….


Please sign the petition….

Click the link……





Real Men Are Kind To Animals

“Real me are kind to animals”

(I already knew that..LOL)

This is a Facebook Page that caught my attention.

They share some amazing stories about everyday men and how they show love and compassion to animals.

They also have some really cute & funny pictures.

Check them out…..



Boise firefighter Dana Brown rescues a cat from an apartment fire, then tenderly uses a SurgiVet mask to revive it. We love firemen like Dana Brown.

I love happy endings.

Petition – YouTube Ban Animal Torture Postings


There are thousands of videos currently showing on YouTube showcasing the torture of  animals – pets, strays and wild.

Please support our attempt at pressuring YouTube to ban these videos. Incouraging this behavior is unacceptable.



Poisonous Foods For Cats

Often it is tempting to share our food with the family pet, and most of us are guilty of slipping the odd tasty morsel. If you do indulge your cat, it is strongly advised you check out this list which contains some common foods which are either poisonous or have the potential to be dangerous to your cat.


I would like to hope that we are all smart enough to know better and care enough for our beloved pets not to give them alcohol of any kind. Alcohol can cause intoxication, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory distress, coma & death.

Apricot, cherry, peach pits, almond nuts, apple seeds:

All of the above contain cyanogenic glycosides which will result in cyanide poisoning. This interferes with the ability of the blood to release oxygen into the tissues, so the cat effectively suffocates while it’s blood is full of oxygen.


Avocado contains a toxin known as persin. It is found in all parts of the avocado & is toxic to most domestic animals.

The symptoms include gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart and even death.


May cause vomiting in cats.

Cooked bones:

Cooked bones can splinter & cause an obstruction, therefore they should be avoided.

Chocolate, Coffee & Tea

Chocolate contains naturally occurring methylxanthines caffeine & theobromine. The concentration of theobromine is much higher than that of caffeine, but both cause toxicity in cats (and dogs). These chemicals act as a diuretic, causing the body to lose fluids, act as a cardiac stimulant, causing it to race & is also a central nervous system stimulant.

All types of chocolate should be avoided, including dark, milk, white & cocoa powders.

Grapes & raisins:

These have been known to cause kidney damage. The active ingredient hasn’t been identified.

Macadamia nuts:

Macadamia nuts have been known to cause tremors & muscle weakness in dogs, therefore it’s best to apply caution & avoid giving them to cats.


While this won’t kill your cat, some cats are lactose intolerant & drinking cow’s milk will cause a tummy upset.

Weaned cats no longer need to drink milk, however if you do want to give your cat some milk as an occasional treat them the best solution is to buy some cat milk from your supermarket.



There are many types of mushrooms which are poisonous. While dogs are far more likely to eat mushrooms than cats, it is advised you avoid giving your cats any type of mushrooms to be on the safe side.


While fat isn’t toxic to cats per se, it’s not healthy to routinely feed your cat a diet high in animal fats as it will lead to obesity. Large amounts of fat can also cause pancreatitis.


Small amounts of liver are fine to eat, but if fed too often it can result in Vitamin A toxicosis.

Onion & Garlic:

Onions contain sulfoxides and disulfides which damage red blood cells & can cause haemolytic anaemia.

Be careful when feeding your cat human foods, some people will recommend baby food for a cat who’s lost it’s appetite. This is fine, but make sure the food doesn’t contain any onion, flakes, powder etc.

Onion causes greater problems than garlic.

Potato (green parts & eyes):

These contain solanine glycosides which can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, nervous system stimulation, depression, trembling, paralysis & cardiac arrest.


Large quantities of salt can lead to an electrolyte imbalance.


Same as potatoes. These contain solanine glycosides which can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, nervous system stimulation, depression, trembling, paralysis & cardiac arrest.


This is another food which is fine to feed as an occasional treat, but musn’t be fed regularly, as it can lead to a condition known as Steatitis or Yellow Fat Disease.

Yeast dough:

This can expand in the stomach causing bloating & discomfort.

Other foods which your cat shouldn’t eat:

  • Soy & Rice Bran
  • Raisins
  • Rhubarb
  • Spoiled or mouldy food. If it’s gone off, don’t give it to your cat.
  • Hops


*Resource: Cat-world.com