"The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals"


Mini Zeus

Flying Solo

Elephant Play….



In need of a friend…

Are you sure they aren’t Otters?

Pig Beach

Daily hug…



And I whispered to the horse…   ‘Trust no man in whose eye you do not see yourself reflected as an equal’

~ Don Vincenzo Giobbe (ca. 1700)

Underwater Cat….

Rhino Wars

The rifle shot boomed through the darkening forest just as Damien Mander arrived at his campfire after a long day training game ranger recruits in western Zimbabwe’s Nakavango game reserve. His thoughts flew to Basta, a pregnant black rhinoceros, and her two-year-old calf. That afternoon one of his rangers had discovered human footprints following the pair’s tracks as Basta sought cover in deep bush to deliver the newest member of her threatened species.

Damien, a hard-muscled former Australian Special Forces sniper with an imposing menagerie of tattoos, including “Seek & Destroy” in gothic lettering across his chest, swiveled his head, trying to place the direction of the shot. “There, near the eastern boundary,” he pointed into the blackness. “Sounded like a .223,” he said, identifying the position and caliber, a habit left over from 12 tours in Iraq. He and his rangers grabbed shotguns, radios, and medical kits and piled into two Land Cruisers. They roared into the night, hoping to cut off the shooter. The rangers rolled down their windows and listened for a second shot, which would likely signal Basta’s calf was taken as well.

Click the link to redirect to Nat Geo for the rest of this amazing story…..










3 Little Bears…

This baby polar bear says to his mom, am I full blooded polar bear??? Mom says of course you are full blooded polar bear, now go play. The baby goes outside and sees his dad and asked the same question. Dad says, your mom just told  you;  of COURSE you are full blooded polar bear. At the dinner table the baby bear was quiet. The dad said “whats wrong your not eating?”, the baby said, “I hate to ask this again but AM I FULL BLOODED POLAR BEAR??!!!??” The dad says “YES!! Im full blooded polar bear, your mom is, your grandparents are, we are all polar bears! Why are you asking us this question??!!???” The baby said, ” because I am  FREEZING!”  ♥


Our task must be to free ourselves…

by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.

~ Albert Einstein

Got it covered


Standing Up for Polar Bears….

CLICK TO VISIT THE PAGE -> Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2375

Dear Wildlife Supporter,
Yesterday, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed a fiscally irresponsible plan that targets the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — home to polar bears, caribou and other Arctic wildlife.
But your U.S. Representative stood firm and courageously voted against this environmentally destructive and highly speculative plan.
Take action now to thank your U.S. Representative for standing up for America’s Arctic wildlife and opposing efforts to drill in America’s Arctic to fund the Transportation Bill.
Yesterday’s committee vote shows that Big Oil and its allies in Congress will stop at nothing to open our natural treasures like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to dirty oil and gas drilling.
The plan is highly speculative and fiscally irresponsible, using revenue that may not even materialize in five years to fund very real transportation projects that we need today.
Yet it risks America’s threatened polar bears and other Arctic wildlife and some of our most pristine wilderness and waters while not even coming close to the billions of dollars needed for transportation projects.
Please thank your U.S. Representative today for standing up for our natural heritage — and opposing a fiscally irresponsible and highly speculative plan.
Thanks for all you do to protect our wildlife and wild places.

Marcia Lesky, Defenders of Wildlife Sincerely,
Marcia Lesky National Outreach Director Defenders of Wildlife

Just Chill-axin